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What we do (1)Lincoln Avenue Water Company, a Mutual Water Company, was established in 1883 to supply water to the western region of Altadena, an unincorporated area of Los Angeles County. As a mutual water company, its shareholders are the people that are served by its distribution system. There are over four thousand meters that serve a population of over 16,000 people. Lincoln Avenue Water Company reservoirs range in elevation from 1202 feet at the main pumping plant to 2146 feet at our highest reservoir. Other reservoirs are located at intermediate elevations and each has a distribution system supplying adequate water pressure. The Company is not in business to make a profit, but to serve potable water to its owners (stockholders) at cost. The Company is managed by a five person Board of Directors which oversees the Company operations (“Board”). Water rates are adjusted to meet our operating expenses, plus an allowance for improvement and replacement of the water distribution system.

2024 CAPITAL PROJECTS – Infrastructure

Distribution / Facility:

 Pipeline Replacement: