Lincoln has 3 sources of water supply: Groundwater, Imported Water purchased from the Foothill Municipal Water District and Surface Water.
Lincoln’s primary source of water is provided by two deep groundwater production wells located in the Monk-Hill sub-area of the Raymond Basin. Lincoln operates in a designated Superfund CERCLA site and treats an extremely impaired groundwater source that has been contaminated with perchlorate and volatile organic chemicals. Lincoln has been successfully treating the groundwater to drinking water standards since 1992.
Imported Water
Our imported water is provided by the Foothill Municipal Water District, a member agency of the Metropolitan Water District (MWD). The water is a blend of two sources. One source originates in the mountain ranges in seven western states. It travels down the Colorado River into Lake Havasu, Arizona where it is then diverted to California through MWD’s 242 mile Colorado River Aqueduct. The second source comes from Northern California lakes, rivers and streams. The water flows to Southern California through the State Water Project’s 444 mile California Aqueduct.
Surface Water
Lincoln also operates a surface water treatment plant. Canyon water is diverted to our North Coulter raw water reservoir and then treated at the South Coulter Surface Water Treatment Plant where it is stored at our South Coulter reservoir before being introduced into the distribution system. This is a seasonal source of water and production depends on rainfall. Since the construction of the surface water plant in 1997 the system has produced over 2,500 acre feet of water for domestic use.